Your kitchen is a "living asset." That is because it is not only a beautiful addition to your home, but a central part of your lifestyle.
Planning Considerations
Preparation Zone
This is the zone where you want most of your everyday utensils to be handy, while also having access to all the other zones. This zone has the most overlap with the other zones as all aspects of your kitchen rotate around the central process of preparation.
Cooking Zone
Of course the cooktop and over form the basis for the position of the all important kitchen cooking zone. Comfortable access to pots, pans and utensils is also important, as is ready access to the cleaning area. You will find cooking a joy in your well planned, expertly designed and masterfully built kitchen.
Cleaning Zone
The sink and dishwater play leading roles in the position of this important zone. The bin and storage for cleaning materials is also very important. This is one of the most used zones of your kitchen and it is worth considering the frequency of interaction between this zone and the non-consumable zone.
Consumables Zone
Items that you regularly use for cooking and that must be replaced often belong in the consumables zone. These items can include dry, chilled and frozen ingredients therefore the refrigerator and freezer often contribute to determining the location of this zone.
Non-Consumables Zone
This is the zone for items and utensils that are used on a daily basis while cooking. It is important to consider the ergonomics of storage for this zone. Store frequently used items in lower cabinets rather than overhead. The relationship between this zone and the cleaning zone is also important.
Occasional Zone
You may have a favoured style of cooking but every now and then you fancy something a little different. This zone is for storing those items that you do not use that often. The dinner set for special occasions or the 'special' processor that you use every now and then belong here with your most common items belonging to the non-consumable zone.